In-Studio Vocal Coaching

Let’s say that you have a session booked at a recording studio and you’re going to spend several minutes to several hours singing vocals.  Even for a seasoned singer, tracking vocals can be a tedious and exhausting process.  This is especially true if you’ve never been in a recording studio before and you are nervous about how your voice will sound or worried about ruining your voice from belting out the same phrase for multiple takes.  With the added pressure of using your studio time in the most efficient way possible, you don’t want to hold up the producer/ engineer or anyone else waiting for you to complete the perfect take.  Here’s where having an in-studio vocal coach would be beneficial.

I’ll take you through warm-ups, sit in on your session and coach you between takes to help you reach your truest potential in the recording process.  Because each session can be different and unpredictable, I have hourly, half-day, and full-day rates:

Hourly Rate (Minimum 1 hr): $40/hr

Half Day Rate (Up to 4 hrs, 1 session): $120

Full Day Rate (Up to 6 hours, 1 session): $150

If you would like to schedule in-studio vocal coaching for your next recording session or would like more info, email me at